Hľadané osoby: Andrej, Martin a Monika Gajdarova

27.03.2015 19:39

Martin Gajdár

Martin Gajdár

The kidnapped children Martinko (6) and Dominika (4) haven´t seen their mother since January 2, 2011. This day took them their father to his parents and he had not carry them back. He is deliberately hindering their mother to get in touch with her children and is hiding them on an unknown place. The children, according to a judical decision of the District Court, have to be in mother´s care since May 5, 2011. For Andrej Gajder is issued an international warrant of arrest . He is avoiding the police and courts.
The mother is very anxious about the safety, health and life of her children. They can have a changed identity.

Martin Gajdár (  8 age)

Height about 120/130 cm, thin shape, weight 15/20 kg. Short blond hair, light-brown-green eyes, ears are in the upper part a little bit screwed and standing out from his head.

Dominika Gajdárová (6 age)
Height 100/110 cm, thin shape, weight cca 12/16 kg. Curly blond hair reaching to her shoulder-blade. Light-brown-green eyes with strongly marked eye lashes. When she is crying she has red spots in her face (nose and eyes).

(popis v čase únosu 2.1.2011)

Martin Gajdár (dnes 8 ročný))  Andrej Gajdár (32) Dominika Gajdárová ( dnes 6 ročná)

cca 120 cm/130cm vysoký, štíhlej postavy. Váži približne cca 15 kg/20kg ,má krátke plavé vlasy a bledo- hnedo-zelené oči, zvláštny tvar ušiek v hornej časti trochu skrútené a trochu odstávajúce

180 cm vysoký, váži asi 100kg športovej postavy.,má tmavohnedé krátke vlasy a modro-sivé oči

je cca 100 cm/110cm vysoká, štíhlej postavy,váži približne cca 12 kg/16kg, má vlnité plavé vlasy siahajúce po lopatky a bledo-hnedo-zelené oči s výraznými mihalnicami, keď plače má na tvári (nos a očko) červené fľaky.

Deti uniesol ich otec Andrej Gajdár (32), na ktorého je vydaný medzinárodný zatýkací rozkaz.

Matka ma vážne obavy o ich bezpečnosť, zdravie a život.  Môžu mať zmenenú identitu.
